Weight Loss Ring Size: How Weight Loss Affects Your Ring Size

Congratulations on your weight loss!

Your clothes are fitting a bit looser and you might be thinking about a new wardrobe.

It might also be time to re-size your engagement ring and wedding band.

When we think about losing weight, we typically focus on common problem areas: stomach, hips, thighs, etc. However, your fingers, just like any other part of your body can store fat too,

You might wonder,” How much weight can I lose before I have to downsize my rings?”

Unfortunately: there’s no way to predict how your fingers will be affected by even a small amount of weight change. We recommend keeping an eye on how your rings fit throughout your weight loss journey. Keep in mind that many of your rings are expensive so there should be some struggle to get them off your finger.

Alternatives to Ring Resizing

If a ring doesn’t fit, the most obvious solution is to have a jeweler resize it and be done right? Well, sometimes a temporary or alternative sizing method might work best for you.

You might want to consider an alternative to resizing your ring if any of these apply to you:

    • Your ring is only slightly big on your finger
    • You’re planning to continue losing weight
    • You don’t want sizing to effect design features
  • You feel the cost of resizing is too high
  • You like the idea of having your ring stay the same size as a memento of your accomplishments

If  you can relate to any of these situations we have some great ideas for you

  1. Purchase an inexpensive temporary spacer to give the ring a tighter fit without changing the actual ring
  2. Switch it up, wear your ring on a different larger finger.
  3. Consult with your jeweler and convert your ring into another piece of jewelry
  4. A safe or a safety deposit box is great if you wish to keep the ring safe while you wait for the right time to size it

No matter how much weight you plan on losing keep an eye on the fit of your rings.

We recommend the wiggle test. Put your ring on the appropriate finger and wiggle your hand around. Hopefully it stays snug and secure, if not,there is always a simple solution. Losing weight is great, losing your ring is not.

If you are ready to begin your quest for the perfect earrings call us at (619) 223-2151 or come in and see us! We look forward to seeing you!

“Jewelry As Unique As You”