Diamond Showers

Lucky girls born in April have diamonds as their birthstone. Believe it or not, Queen Elizabeth is one of those lucky girls. Now, while not everyone born in April has their own crowned jewels – every girl kind of feels like a queen when showered with diamonds. Elizabeth Taylor may not have been a royal […]


Pearls are a classic that have never gone out of fashion. Literally, since their discovery thousands of years ago, they’ve never fallen out of favor with the powerful and wealthy. It’s only in modern times, with the ability to give Mother Nature a hand, that the rest of us have gotten a chance to enjoy them too.

A Gem to Remember

The gem of queens and kings is none other than rubies. For thousands of years, the luscious red color of July’s birthstone has signified romance, wealth, and power.

Serious Sapphires

Sapphires have been ogled at for thousands of years. Those in ancient times simply adored them as much as we do today. They were also attributed magical powers that included protection from evil, cures for diseases, and the most popular use of protecting a ladies virtue. Hmmm…I’m curious exactly how that went down. And of […]